Ridge Preservation in Bardonia, NY

Hudson Valley Periodontics and Implantology provides ridge preservation in Bardonia, New York. To learn more, call 845-623-6666 to schedule an appointment.

Smiling Patient Ridge Preservation

What is Ridge Preservation?

When a tooth is extracted a ridge preservation procedure may be done to prevent the bone and support structures from weakening. Once the tooth is extracted, bone grafting material will be placed in the socket to fortify the existing bone and encourage regeneration. The procedure is typically done in preparation for a dental implant to ensure the jaw bone will be ready to receive the implant root.

Benefits of Ridge Preservation

Ridge preservation provides a variety of benefits: 

  • Avoid bone loss. When a tooth is extracted the bone and support structures for the tooth begin to weaken and will eventually dissolve. Ridge preservation prevents this from happening, giving you more replacement options. 
  • Easier implant placement. A dental implant is the best option for replacing your tooth, but it requires sufficient bone structure for placement. Ridge preservation keeps the jaw bone strong and ready for an implant. 
  • Preserve the shape of your jaw. Ridge preservation also prevents the jaw bone from losing its natural shape. After a tooth is extracted, if the bone is allowed to deteriorate, it can leave an indentation in your jaw that is often visible in your facial structure. 

Are You a Good Candidate for Ridge Preservation?

If you have a tooth that needs to be extracted due to severe decay or damage, you may be a good candidate for ridge preservation. This is especially true if you are planning to replace the tooth with a dental implant. A bridge is an alternative tooth replacement option that will not require any bone preservation procedures, so consider your choices for replacing the tooth first.

Why Choose Hudson Valley Periodontics and Implantology?

Ridge preservation is a complex procedure that requires skill and experience. The doctors at Hudson Valley Periodontics and Implantology specialize in ridge preservation and have performed many of these procedures for patients. You can trust that you are in capable hands. Our doctors and dental team are highly qualified in dentistry and periodontics. We provide compassionate care for every patient, every time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Ridge Preservation

How important is ridge preservation?

If your dentist recommends ridge preservation after a tooth extraction, it's because there’s a good reason for it. You can have a tooth extracted, but if you’re planning on replacing it, which is the recommended next step, ridge preservation may be necessary. Having the procedure could mean the difference between getting a dental implant (the highest quality tooth replacement option) and getting a bridge (lower quality, but still effective).

Is ridge preservation covered by insurance?

It depends on your provider and plan. Some dental insurance plans will cover ridge preservation if it is deemed medically necessary. The best way to find out is to contact your insurance provider and inquire about your coverage.

What is the bone material that is used in ridge preservation?

Bone material can be harvested directly from the patient or it may come from a human donor bank. In some cases bone material from animals, usually cows, may be used. Synthetic bone substitutes can also be effective.

Is ridge preservation painful?

The procedure is done under local anesthesia to prevent you from feeling any pain. Since it is typically done following a tooth extraction, the area will already be numb. Any discomfort you may experience afterwards should be manageable with over the counter pain medication.

How soon after ridge preservation can I get a dental implant?

The bone fragment will take a few months to bond and regenerate the existing bone. It could be anywhere from 4 to 6 months before you are ready to receive an implant.

Call 845-623-6666 today to schedule or request an appointment.