Dental Implant Procedure: A Step by Step Guide

Dental Implant Procedure: A Step by Step Guide


Dental implants are the most advanced technology available for tooth replacement. By replacing the entire tooth structure from the root to the crown, dental implants provide a natural looking and functioning dental prosthetic. Due to the structure of dental implants, placement is a minor oral surgery. 

Are you gearing up for a dental implant placement procedure? Or maybe you’re just starting to consider dental implants. Either way, you may be wondering what to expect. This step by step guide will provide the information you need to be fully prepared for your upcoming appointment. 

Step 1: Consultation

The first step in any dental procedure is always a consultation to discuss the current state of your oral health and your goals going forward. After an oral evaluation your dentist will consider all of the information and make a recommendation for the best course of treatment to help you achieve your goals and restore your oral health. In order to be eligible for dental implants you must have sufficient bone structure in your jaw to support one or more implants. Otherwise some preparation may be needed. 

Step 2: Preparation 

If necessary, you may need some preparatory procedures before you can receive dental implants. Bone grafting may be necessary to thicken and strengthen your jaw bone so that it can support a dental implant. Teeth may need to be extracted if they can’t be saved with other restorative procedures. 

Step 3: Implant Placement 

When your jaw is ready to receive the dental implant, the next step is surgery. Local anesthesia, and in some cases light sedation, is used to help you feel comfortable during the procedure. The gum tissue is opened and the dental implant is placed in the bone. The gum tissue is replaced and sutured to promote healing. Over the course of the next few months, the dental implant will fuse with the jaw bone to form a solid bond that can support a crown or help to support a larger prosthetic, such as a bridge or dentures. 

Step 4: Adding the Abutment 

Once the dental implant has fused with the bone, the abutment can be added. This is the post that will extend above the gums to support the dental prosthetic. This part of the process is a minor oral surgery that requires reopening the gum tissue to access the implant. The gum tissue is then sutured back into place around the abutment and given a few weeks to heal. 

Step 5: Attaching the Prosthetic 

After the gum tissue adequately heals, the prosthetic can be attached. This is the final step in the process. Once you have received your crown, bridge, or dentures your smile and dental function will be fully restored. 

Frequently Asked Questions About the Dental Implant Procedure

How long does the process take?

From the first consultation to the completed restoration, the process for getting dental implants can take anywhere from a few months to a year or more. There are many factors at play and every situation is different. Your dentist can give you a more accurate time estimate after an evaluation. 

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

If one or more of your teeth is missing or can’t be saved, you may be a candidate for dental implants. An evaluation by a dentist or periodontist can provide additional insight into your personal eligibility. 

Are you considering dental implants? Hudson Valley Periodontics and Implantology provides a wide variety of periodontal services including dental implant solutions for patients in Bardonia, New York and the surrounding area. Call 845-623-6666 or contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.